Amabali isiKapa

Hadithi ya Africa’s pilot project ‘Amabali isiKapa’ (‘Coming to Cape Town’ in isiXhosa) was funded by the Brunel University BRIEF award scheme and took place at St Francis Adult Education Centre in Langa, Cape Town, in March 2011.

Sarah worked with South African-based drama therapist Paula Kingwill. We had six learner/participants and the project ran over five days. The shared experience was a background of growing up as a Xhosa speaker in the Eastern Cape/former Transkei Bantustan and facing massive educational challenges, either during Bantu Education or its aftermath. All the learners migrated to Cape Town in search of job opportunities and further education. Their stories focused on this transition and its impact on their lives.

Haditha ya Africa would like to thank Brunel University for the opportunity to run the pilot project

Access my paper on the project published in Writing in Education.